New to Spa Ownership?

The Full Circle Program is designed so that each hot tub owner can learn what is needed to maintain clean and safe spa water based on their personal spa. Many factors affect your spa water such as the spa filtration, features and functions as well as your climate, quality of your source water and especially bather frequency and impurities. The Full Circle Program is a guide that will help you determine how to care for your personal spa and is designed to eliminate the need to soak in harsh chemicals. The foundation of this program is the enzyme products from The Natural Hot Tub Company that are 100% safe yet effective in maintaining chemical balance and improving filtration. Following our program will allow you to drain your spa without bringing harm to our ground water systems and the living creatures that depend on it.

Maximize the Efficiency of Your Spa

Knowing how your hot tub functions and how to properly maintain your hot tub will minimize the need for many harsh chemicals to be added to your hot tub water. Here are some of the basic features that you find on most hot tubs and their importance to the success of the Full Circle Program:

Filtration System is designed to remove visible debris and impurities. Just like your household trash can, if not emptied, it will overflow and no longer function to remove unwanted debris. Cleaning your filters regularly is the most important maintenance you can do to minimize the need for additional chemicals and to maintain clean water. Once weekly is what is recommended based on moderate usage. Every 2 months you should deep clean the filters using the Natural Hot Tub Company’s Filter-Soak. We highly recommend having 2 sets of filters and rotating them to make it more convenient.

Circulation Cycle System is determined how often and for how long the filtration system is in full operation. If adjustable, your hot tub needs to circulate for a minimum of 4-8 hours a day. It is cheaper to run the filtration system more that it would be to buy the additional chemicals needed to keep the hot tub clean. If your hot tub does not circulate through the jets, you need to turn them on at least weekly during regular use as part of your maintenance program.

Water Capacity, knowing how many gallons your hot tub holds. It is important to determine the minimum amount of spa products to be effective in treating your spa water.

Ozonators are designed to inhibit the growth of bacteria by using ozone. Most hot tubs do come already equipped but they can be added to most.

Spa Cover should always be covered when not in use to prevent unwanted debris or contaminants from entering your spa water. Algae can become a problem if left uncovered for long periods of time. On the other hand, your spa needs to breathe. If you are not using the spa regularly, you should remove the cover and run jets for 15 minutes to oxygenate the water. It is also important to clean the underside of the cover using the Natural Hot Tub Company’s Penetrating Cleanser. If your cover is over 5 years old or has any tears, we recommend it be replaced. Inside older spa covers often hold not only the harsh chemicals used in the past but also mold, mildew, bacteria, etc., and through condensation will drip back into your clean spa water.

Water Temperature should be maintained between 90 degrees and 104 degrees. The Natural Hot Tub Company’s Water Treatment and Conditioner uses enzymes that require at least 90 degrees to work properly.

Hot Tub Features vary from manufacturers and models. Here are a few that you may need to know about:

Under Water Lights add a lot of visual appeal to your hot tub but they can be misleading when evaluating the color of your water. The best way to evaluate the color is to use a clear drinking glass and hold it up to a light.

Cup Holders are a great convenience but they also can collect water that over days can harbor bacteria and other contaminants. It is best to keep them dry and clean.

Head Rests need to be cleaned on an average of every 6 weeks with the Natural Hot Tub Company’s Penetrating Spa Cleanser taking care to thoroughly clean the front and back of the head rest.


Minimize Source Water Impurities

Whether you are on municipal or well water, they both can introduce impurities into your hot tub that interfere with the proper chemical balance of your water. Having your water tested is one way to determine if source water impurities are too high but we highly recommend using a garden hose carbon block pre-filter no matter what kind of source water you use. A carbon block pre-filter can eliminate the minerals and metals from the water and all other impurities that are larger than .05 microns (The human eye can detect up to 40 microns).

If you have a water softener system, it is important that you bypass this system if possible when filling your spa to avoid high calcium harness levels. Your garden hose that you use to fill the hot tub often has standing water that can introduce bacteria, mold and algae to your hot tub. Flushing the hose by running it for several minutes before attaching the pre-filter is recommended. You may need to clean your hose by capping the end of the hose with the nozzle and then adding ½ teaspoon of 99% Dichlor Chlorine granules to the other end. Attach the hose to the spigot and turn on the water. Let sit for 5 minutes then flush with water.

The initial water will have concentrated chlorine so please dispose of it responsibly. You can also purchase an anti-microbial hose found at most major home improvement centers that is designed to inhibit bacterial growth and are great for warmer climates.

Minimize Bather Impurities

There are two issues that effect the amount of bather impurities that enter your spa water. One is bather frequency which is the number of different bathers and how often they use the spa. Bather impurities are introduced to the spa through our bathing suits and what is on our skin such as lotions, deodorants, perspiration, dead skin cells, etc.

​Bather Frequency is not something we recommend you minimize but it is important to note when your spas has changed its usage level so you can best adjust your water treatment plan. Consistency with bathers and frequency will make it easier to determine a regular maintenance schedule that keeps your spa water clean. Increasing your frequency but particularly the number of bathers can require more maintenance.

Frequency Usage Guide:
Light-1-2 people, 5 days a week or  ​​2-3 people, 2 days a week

Moderate-2-3 people, 4-5 days a week

Heavy-Over 4 people, Children under 6

​​Bather Impurities most of the impurities that cause cloudy water and the need to add chemicals to your spa water are from the bathers.

Bathing Suits should be rinsed several times to get residual detergents left from washing. This can prevent foam and chemical imbalances. Dyes from bathing suits can cause water discoloration. New suits that are going to be used in the spa should be washed in hot water, without using soap, and double rinsed to remove excess dye.

​Bather Impurities such as residual soaps, makeup, lotions and body oils can dissolve into the hot spa water. The Natural Hot Tub Company’s Water Treatment and Conditioner works well with the filter to remove these impurities. Minimizing these impurities does decrease the stress on your water and your filter. You may want to consider a soapless shower prior to entering your spa to remove excess lotions and oils.