Minimizing Bather Impurities
There are two issues that effect the amount of bather impurities that enter your spa water. One is bather frequency which is the number of different bathers and how often they use the spa. Bather impurities are introduced to the spa through our bathing suits and what...
Minimizing Source Water Impurities
Whether you are on municipal or well water, they both can introduce impurities into your hot tub that interfere with the proper chemical balance of your water. Having your water tested is one way to determine if source water impurities are too high but we highly...
Maximize the efficiency of your spa
Knowing how your hot tub functions and how to properly maintain your hot tub will minimize the need for many harsh chemicals to be added to your hot tub water. Here are some of the basic features that you find on most hot tubs and their importance to the success of...